Thursday, February 14, 2008

Eastern Asshole Influence

Random factoid of the day: Who knew? Japan celebrates Valentine's Day. Hm. And, husband members of, I believe it's called, the wife appreciation association? boldly step out to publicly declare love for their spouses. They literally find a platform upon which they stand and relentlessly scream bittersweet nothings in homage of their love bunnies. Seriously, into in microphone. In front of an audience. Thank youuuu Harry Smith for bringing this fascinating piece of international culture into my home last evening ( click on “In Japan a Lesson on Love.”) In honor of eastern evolution, I think its appropriate at this juncture to suggest that our lovely friends should perhaps stick to what they know best: sashimi, any luxury good produced under the LVMH umbrella (Murakami is a genius!), homeopathic medical practices and cutting edge technology. And if those clichés weren’t enough for you: Arigato, Asshole.

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