Friday, February 15, 2008

Nepotism and The Asshole: A Match Made In Socialist Heaven

I can always count on The Journal to satiate my hunger for commie nepotism—An excerpt, if you will:

The News: Russia’s Vladimir Putin said he hopes to serve for years as prime minister under protégé Dmitry Medvedev [note the shagadellic undertones, Austin Powers: Dr. Evil and Number 2 at their finest], who is virtually certain [rigged elections rock! Especially when they’re presidential. Thank GOD for government regulated media] to win the presidency in next month’s elections.

The Background: The Russian constitution prevents the popular president from running again, but Mr. Medvedev has already promised to make Mr. Putin prime minister [There’s no right way to do the wronnnng thang, Mr. Med]

What it Means: Mr. Putin may be able to maintain a significant amount of political power over a long period.

Democracy is totally overrated, right, Socialist assholes?

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