Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ano's and The Assholes Who Rub Them

Dear Daria,

Thank you for bringing this worthy article to my attention! And of course, for enlightening the masses on the (newly patented) 'Ano Rub.'

I love you, Gisele


Spring in on its way, and personally, I’m excited. Love is in the air, retailers are practically giving away last seasons outwear, and most importantly during the months leading up to summer, anorexics are kickin’ it into high gear. That’s right folks, skin [and bones] is in! Remember when your guidance counselor told you that the waif look only worked for Kate Moss? Lies. ALL LIES. Jezebel did a fine job confronting what we all think, and only sometimes say, by choosing to highlight one woman’s social experience pre and post Kayne’s workout plan. It must have taken a rocket scientist to figure this one out:

"Many men, I quickly learned, really do like frighteningly lean women, whatever they may claim to the controversy. As an average, medium-size young woman, I was unremarkable, innocuous. As a skinny slip of a thing, I was something of a sensation. In restaurants and at parties, men flirted at me extravagantly."

Gee whiz. I’ve been totally sold on the notion that fat chicks get all the love. I feel so betrayed, society! I’m going back to my notorious diggs—[think nasal voices, tiny pooches decked to the nines, Chanel rubber thongs, Cartier collections, uninspired conformity!] to knock on every apartment door and thrust myself at inhabiting ano’s—I figure, maybe if I rub up against it, I can catch it, Ben Lee styles. And if not, I’ll just be me. Take it or leave it, Assholes.

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