Friday, February 8, 2008

Big Lovin' Assholes

The front page of the Journal ran a front page article this morning (and yes, Amit was in his cubby, no need to leave the buck fifty on the window, thankfully) which pointed out how Romney’s now defunct presidential campaign has drawn, “more attention to the Mormon Church than it has had in years. What the church discovered was not heartening.” Duh, we’ve all seen Big Love (a fan favorite), Asshole. (Um, yes, I am aware that not ALL Mormons are polygamists, Warren Jeffries. But all the fun ones are…)

“A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll in late January revealed that 50% of Americans said they would have reservations or be "very uncomfortable" about a Mormon as president.”

Now, THAT’s breaking news. But when all else fails, and the callous world resorts to the archaic prejudice of religious persecution, fear not, Mormons. Because no matter how bad it gets for you out there, just remember how shitty it got for the Chosen People—so to the point that Armand Mauss, Moron, I mean, Mormon expert/sociologist didn’t forget to juxtapose holy hate from the great wife swap to the heebs.

"I don't think that any of us had any idea how much anti-Mormon stuff was out there," said Armand Mauss, a Mormon sociologist who has written extensively about church culture, in an interview last week. "The Romney campaign has given the church a wake-up call. There is the equivalent of anti-Semitism still out there."

Thanks, Armand. What about those Scientologist Assholes? If we’re going to play ‘pick a rando religion,’ Scientology was completely overlooked here. Way to discriminate, Assholes!

Post Script: Chloe Sevigny is the best polygamist Mormon, ever. EVER.

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