Friday, February 22, 2008

Newsworthy Asshole of The Week

Anderson Cooper does it again! He's the crime fighting news anchor, in hot pursuit of assholes suffering from media overexposure. Anderson, you continue to ASStound us:

Really?! Is Roger Clemens really the most important topic a House
Committee should be discussing? It is phenomonally amazing to me when
we have billions and billions being spent in a losing war, gas prices
that would make Donald Trump poor and a housing market crisis that
baseball is really the most important topic our representatives can
find to discuss.

I don't know if you have seen any video footage, but these assholes
are better than Days of Our Lives. "You were my hero"... "I don't
know what to believe anymore" can be heard being uttered at the
"hearing." Couldn't it just be they don't know how to solve real
problems and instead are focusing on a media firestorm story to get
their faces in the news.

Instead of talking about who was at Jose Canseco's party why aren't
they talking about immigration and how to over take Cuba? As they
jockey for position (note the head of the committee pounding his gavel
as often as possible to prove his penis is bigger than anyone else's
in the room) and face time I can only wonder if Barry Bonds, Andy
Petite and the other hundreds of players accused in the Mitchell
Report are laughing in the corner of the locker room...assholes.

As Always Make It A Great Day. Or not. The Choice Is Yours, Assholes.

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